Baseball history illustration: George Wright of the 1867 National of Washington Club. Wright began his career as a catcher for the Gotham Club of New York at age 15 in 1864. He moved to the Union of Morrisania Club (NY) in 1866 and began playing shortstop. In 1867, he became a United States Government employee and played for the Nationals and was considered by some as the best player in the country. During the famous western tour, the National Club would hand the Cincinnati Club, known as the Red Stockings, their only defeat 53-10, in Cincinnati. Wright returned to the Union of Morrisania Club in 1868 and then in 1869, George, a skilled veteran at 20 years-old, would join his brother Harry and play for the Cincinnati Club. The Union Club won its final two matches of the 1868 season and the Cincinnati Club, with George Wright, was undefeated in 89 straight matches (including exhibitions), beginning in May of 1869, before being succumbing in extra innings on June 14, 1870, to the Atlantic of Brooklyn Club (NY). Wright was unbeaten in 91 straight matches with two clubs. Click illustration to return to previous page.